Viborg - Domini Clothing Sustainability 2019;
Clothes are a human necessity. We all need it. But how often do you stop to think about the clothes you are wearing and the impact they have on the environment? BY IMPLEMENTING INTUITIVE PROCEDURES.
Conventional cotton farming ruins the environment and has for the last 30 years been a complete nightmare for millions of farmers. The short version is that global chemical companies have made poor farmers in developing countries dependent on their GMO-cotton, chemical fertilizers and pesticides. In the end all profit goes to the big companies while the farmers work extremely hard for nothing. They end up with a polluted, sterile environment and can no longer support their families. Organic cotton is about going back to how it used to be, farming cotton in a sustainable way, in touch with nature. What you pay for the cotton ends up in a farmer’s household, paying for food and school, instead of dividends to greedy shareholders.